Production Pattern Cutter Card

I wanted to create a simple + clean pattern card to keep my garments organized using industry standards. Here is what I came up with :
PATTERN CARD : itemized list of all the pattern pieces for a particular style.
CREATED : by pattern maker from designer's sketch, prior to making patterns.
USAGE : Hangs in front of the pattern pieces in order to organize and keep track of pieces.
[ Rabbit hole punch circle to hang on pattern hooks. ]
STYLE NUMBER = Depends on company systemization; can include abbreviations product category number, season, collection number.
STYLE NAME = easy name to reference product + for commercial purposes.
SELF = Main fabric
RSU + RED = Right Side Up [Use with asymmetrical piece or when right side of fabric is unclear. ]
YIELD = yardage / meter estimate for individual pieces / or total
SKETCHES = front and back flats of garment + call outs if needed
PIECES : Should contain each individual pattern used in the construction of the garment.
Here is the industry color system :
+ BLACK : Self Pattern Pieces
+ GREEN : Contrast Fabric Pieces
+ BLUE : Lining Pattern Pieces
+ RED : Interface Pattern Pieces
NOTES = trims, zippers, buttons, embroidery, seam allowances, descriptions, remarks, directions.
SWATCHES = cut fabric swatches with fabric content description. Call out the self fabric.
[ Click below for a free pdf template. ]